My Summer So Far…


Summer has been nothing but work, work, work…and lots of messaging with friends because I’ve been busy and many of them have too. It’s a no-nonsense year. Kind of strange after what we’ve all been through, but the pandemic years are really catching up with me. I’m tired.

Next weekend is the first dinner in the back garden and I’m so excited. I just need to rest a bit more.

Most of the work here at home has been focussed on cleaning things up. It’s been a lot of work, but it’s paid off as things are filling in and maturing. There is always much to do, but this year, I’ve been keeping up with it thanks to good health, discipline, and being about to hire my coworker Kris to help. There’s nothing better than working alongside a friend—especially when they help so much AND they crack you up. Evan also helped along the way by removing a large Lonicera nitida hedge. That allowed me to plant a whole new area.

The front yard has slowly been added to and I have a small flat-ish rock garden of sorts—but I’m letting plants grow on there a bit more yet. (I bet it will shock none of you to hear that it has ferns lol.)

Felix is being his regular charming self. Oftentimes, he waits near the sidewalk for dogs on leashes to go by.

He likes to sit right next to my husband’s FIAT.

Abutilon ‘Tiffany Sconce’ in the back garden at Campiello Maurizio.

I’m enjoying the inclusion of several abutilons in the back garden. Abutilon ‘Tiffany Sconce’ is a special one.

The ole Seed Studio is doing great. I will post pictures soon of what I’ve been up to inside. I’ll be spending more time in there in the coming months so it’s fun to dress it up a bit. It still doesn’t look great in photos though, but I will keep at it. Real effort seems to pay off.

Felix enjoys his fountains. These are part of his daily routine this time of year.

Eucryphia x intermedia ‘Rostrevor’ has been a stunner this year—but it’s still a bit young. Next year I bet it will be really amazing. At least until then, it can keep growing.

And so it goes… Summertime is going well.

How’s your summer been?

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