A Few Upcoming Speaking Events in WA State in June and September…


Moving forward in life… Lots going on around here, and it was rough trying to choose a photo for the top of this post. I’ve not yet given many presentations like these!

I’m not on the yellow brick road, but I’m heading somewhere hahahahahaha.

Onward ho!

So, interestingly, both of these events are going to be held in Tacoma! It’s an honor to be asked to participate in both and I’m excited!!

First up we have the Point Defiance Flower & Garden Festival on June 3rd and 4th. I’ll be speaking around noon on BOTH days. The first talk will be about sowing, growing, and saving seeds, the second will be about growing a dry garden with plants for pollinators. And guess what, you can collect seeds from those gardens too!!!

Lots of other great speakers will be there so take a look at the roster on the site and come see us!!! (I’ll post a more detailed schedule when it’s up!)

Then on Sept 30th from 9-10:15am I’ll be presenting “Bringing Nature Indoors: Houseplants” at the WSU Master Gardener Advanced Education Conference being held at the Marriott Tacoma Downtown.

Once again, this is an honor, and I look forward to enriching this conversation with experiences from my time spent doing social work, combined with my work as a horticulturist.

So, I hope to see you there! If not, hopefully I’ll be finding more opportunities for future speaking engagements in my inbox in the months ahead!!!

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