Grapevine Axe Murderer on the Loose in Austria


As many of you already know, my husband Pietro is a winemaker and part-time winegrower—son of a winegrower. He is not a gardener, though he enjoys helping me, and in the past, he enjoyed vegetable gardening a lot.

For now though, he is a winegrower with his father, and he knows a lot about the history of every vine imaginable, and like a true nerd, he knows the pedigree of every vine as well. He also has his finger on the wine vine nerd pulse. He recounts all the latest gossip in that world to me whenever possible and there is far more than you might imagine.

This morning, while drinking our habitual cups of coffee and reading our laptops simultaneously, he chuckled. If you knew my husband, you’d know that he doesn’t chuckle lightly, so I had to ask.

Instead of summarizing the article, I will just let you read the AP release yourself. Any gardener, or plant lover for that matter, should know about such acts of violence against plant-life. And if you like wine, you may want to go out and buy a bottle of Grüner Veltliner in memory of the victim.

Vandals chop 500-year-old parent of gru-ve wine

5 thoughts on “Grapevine Axe Murderer on the Loose in Austria

  1. Oh no. Poor tree. I am not familiar with this wine but perhaps I should look for a bottle. It will make interesting dinner conversation. I have to ask what amused your husband. Is the wine not good at all?


  2. The wine is very good! The laugh was due to the fact that it is so hard to believe anyone would do anything truly that horrible to a treasure. I think it was also due to the very incredible soap opera like world (and history) surrounding the wine industry. This just adds to that drama in a completely different way than is usual.

    For a white wine my husband says it is very robust and pure and it is not floral. There are a few makers in Austria too that make a sparkling version.


  3. Thank you. Most wine here is grown in Moravia, though, which is the eastern part of the Czech Republic (Bohemia is west), namely in the Southern part of it (which is where I live). The wine growers are very warm, friendly people and you can actually do a wine tour around their cellars, in a beautiful countryside…


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